Drivers Hitex Development Tools USB Devices

Developing device drivers for a highly integrated microcontroller can be daunting and time-consuming. To speed up this process, Hitex supplies a full range of low-level drivers for Infineon’s AURIX microcontrollers. For AUTOSAR-based projects complete packages of Infineon's MC-ISAR low-level drivers for MCAL are available. In addition Hitex has created a set of specialized complex drivers that can be used together with the MCAL drivers or independently with any other software architecture.

Thesycon has successfully completed numerous Windows device driver projects, including for USB and FireWire devices, or sophisticated, high-speed PCI/PCI Express DMA devices. We have great experience in creating complex kernel-mode drivers such as bus drivers, filter drivers, network drivers and software-only drivers. To allow the creation of new programs that make use of the I2C devices used on the EDP system, as series of simple usage examples has been supplied. These can be found in: C: hitex HiTOP53-EDP-XC167 Examples RS-EDP-CM-XC167 Drivers. These examples are simple programs that show the basic functions for accessing I2C devices used in the EDP system. If you are new to USB driver development, use the OSR USB FX2 learning kit to study USB samples included with the WDK. You can get the learning kit from OSR Online. It contains the USB FX2 device and all the required hardware specifications to implement a client driver. You can also get a Microsoft USB Test Tool (MUTT) devices. The Hitex ShieldBuddyTC275 is (currently) the world’s smallest AURIX development board. The Hitex ShieldBuddyTC275 is fitted with the Infineon TC275 32-bit multicore processor on a board following the Arduino™ standard making it compatible with many of the application shields that are available.

The drivers insulate real-time operating system users from the complexities of the AURIX peripherals, reducing them to simple function calls through a well-defined API. This massively reduces the time-to-market of a product as the complex low-level CPU interfacing is already done and the user can focus his development effort on the application level.

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  • Hitex AURIX Services -
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  • Hitex Software Solutions
    for AURIX - a detailed
    description of the
    available drivers
  • Hitex Driver Creation
    and Project Support
    for AURIX

We offer embedded USB stacks that can be used to realize any desired USB configuration. The USB stacks include solutions not only for common functions like HID, Hub and Mass Storage but also for more sophisticated requirements. This means developers can exploit USB to its full capability with ease without having to worry about developing highly specialized drivers. The USB stacks comprehensively supports all USB endpoint transfer types and interface speeds including Low (1.5Mbs), Full (12Mbs) and High Speed (480Mbps). Transfer types include control, interrupt, bulk, and isochronous, providing the base for the widest possible range of class drivers. We offer the following USB Stacks:

USB Host

With the USB Host stack an embedded host can control a variety of USB devices including, pen-drives (USB flash drive), printers, audio devices, joysticks, virtual serial ports and network interfaces. Support for EHCI, OHCI and non-standard USB controllers is available.

USB Device

Drivers Hitex Development Tools Usb Devices Pc Camera

The USB Device stack integrates USB device functionality into an embedded device. A comprehensive selection of class drivers is available that allows many functional possibilities such as operating as USB flash drive.

Drivers Hitex Development Tools USB Devices

Software Development Tools


The OTG functionality is a simple switch between the USB host and device stacks, determined by the state of the ID pin. In simple case an OTG software stack is not required. This can be simply configured in the USB host and device stacks. For more advanced requirements a full software OTG stack is available that supports the Session Request Protocol (SRP) and Host Negotiation Protocol (HNP) for negotiating between two connected devices in order to decide which one shall operate as the host. This software is complex and specific to the particular OTG IP used in the USB controller.

Drivers Hitex Development Tools Usb Devices 3.0

USB network integration

This solution allows sharing of a single high speed bus by many peripheral types, connecting TCP/IP networks over USB interfaces either as local or remote network adapters. This is achieved by a large range of CDC (Communication Device Classes).

Drivers Hitex Development Tools Usb Devices Pc Camera

Please contact us, we are glad to assist you in configuring your perfect USB software configuration.